\\WILDamp skin for WinAmp by Francesco Stano I especially made this skin to be used with my Litestep theme \\WILDstep. It looks cool as a standalone tweak, too... Customize your desktop with the Litestep windows shell replacement, it's great! Learn more about Litestep at http://www.litestep.net or/and visit #litestep irc channel on efnet. Take a preview of my Litestep enhanced desktop at http://www.tele-servizi.com/frank/wildstep.jpg History ------- ver.981209 - First release to the public, has transparency and viscolor, but it still lacks of shaded mode graphics. I just added a color definition for the playlist editor. Does somebody know if (and how) Playlist Editor and Equalizer are skinnable? Well let me know, please... Best regards, Francesco Stano Digital Media Designer fstano@usa.net